10 Reasons Why You Need To Sign Up For The Rhode Island’s Summertime Strip Club Poker Run

We know you guys like bikes, and we know you like poker, but how about if we add some sexy Dolls into the mix? That’s right, the award-winning RI Dolls gentleman’s club is hosting the best poker run in the area, Rhode Island’s Summertime Strip Club Poker Run. So that means there will be plenty of sexy women around to provide adult entertainment.

Here are the details of this year’s Summertime Strip Club Poker Run:

  • When: Saturday, September 13th
  • Where: Start at RI Dolls gentleman’s club 579 Front St Woonsocket, RI
  • Time: Doors open at 3PM, Kickstands up at 4 PM
  • Cost: $20.00 per person
  • Prizes: Players with the top three poker hands will win prizes
  • Who: Bikes, and other vehicles are highly encouraged to join

If you’ve never heard of it before, a poker run is when a large group of people ride their motorcycles to predestined checkpoints to draw a playing card, drink a cold one, and socialize with other bikers. There are typically five to seven checkpoints, so each person ends the run with five to seven cards. Oftentimes, actually playing cards aren’t used due to the large number of participants. Instead, you’ll get a piece of paper, or score card, where you’ll keep track of your playing cards.

You can take your time and linger at each check point or speed right through. The choice is yours. Most poker run participants spend a brief amount of time at each stop to enjoy a cold brewsky, talk with each other, and look at all the different bikes. You just have to make sure you’re at the last checkpoint by the end of the event in order to submit your final poker hand. The score cards will be collected and the judges will tally them up. The person with the best poker hand at the end of the event is the winner. In most cases, the winner must be present to accept their prize.

If you’re still on the fence about joining us for this fun event where the girls are hotter than the summer sun, you get to ride on the open road, and there will be prizes given at the end, maybe these 10 reasons why you should sign up for the Rhode Island Summertime Strip Club Poker Run will change your mind:

1. It’s a good excuse to ride your motorcycle.

2. You will see a lot of cool bikes of all different styles, makes, and models.

3. You could make new friends.

4. Guys will have plenty of hot girls to look at. Girls will have plenty of hot guys to look at.

5. You may end up on a road you’ve never driven on before, and you can enjoy the scenery.

6. It’s the perfect time to catch up with old friends.

7. You can end the evening with a lap dance from a sexy Doll, since you’re already there.

8. It’s an amazing feeling to be a part of such a large group of motorcycles driving down the road together.

9. There will be plenty of good food and drinks to enjoy.

10. There will be hot women there. Wait, did we already say that? Well, it must be a damn good reason to go then!

If you’ve participated in the Rhode Island Summertime Strip Club Poker Run before, welcome back. This is going to be the best year yet! If it’s your first time joining us, you’ll have an awesome time and wonder why you never did this before. After all, there is nothing better than cool bikes, hot chicks, and poker. And at the Strip Club Poker Run, you get to experience them all at the same time! Can you handle that?

So, write the date down in your calendar right now so you don’t forget: Saturday, September 13th. And, join us for the Rhode Island Summertime Strip Club Poker Run. The poker run starts at the fabulous RI Dolls gentleman’s club. All your favorite Dolls will be there, will you? I hope so, because this is one sizzling-hot summer event that you don’t want to miss.