11 Tips RI Dolls Dancers Can Use to Improve Self-Esteem
One of the sexiest types of women in the world is the woman that has a high self-esteem. When you see her on the street, she makes you head turn, whether you are a man or a woman. She might not be traditionally beautiful. She’s not perfect. But there’s something that draws you to her.
It’s no different for a stripper. The dancers at Rhode Island Dolls that make the most money and have the most return customers are not the ones that look like models or beauty queens. They are the ones that feel sexy and are comfortable in their skin. They are the ones that have that something special that draws people in.
So, how can you improve your self-esteem, love your job more, and make more money. These 11 tips will get you started.
- Take care of your hair. Get it professionally styled whenever you can afford to. Find a stylist that you love and then keep going back to that stylist. If you’re not sure where to go, talk to the other dancers and they will likely be more than happy to refer you to someone they love.
- Get pedicures. Sexy feet make for sexy moves. And there are loads of guys that are into feet, too. You don’t have to always get it professionally done if you can learn how to do a good pedicure at home. Just make sure it looks professional. When your feet look and feel good, so do you.
- Give yourself a manicure or get one done professionally. Or have a girls night in and give each other manicures. Your hands are always moving so they get a lot of attention. Go for a classy look. A French manicure is always a safe bet.
- If you’re not a girly-girl that has been playing with makeup since you were 12, it’s time to learn. You don’t have to wear it 24/7 but when you’re on the stage a little makeup can go a long way. You can usually get a free demonstration at the makeup counter of a department store. Get quality makeup and learn how to use it to your best advantage.
- Exercise regularly. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, regular exercise will make you feel better when you’re not getting winded on stage. A little muscle can really help shape legs and arms and diminish little flaws brought out by the bright lights.
- Take a dance class. There are even pole dancing classes that are loads of fun and you might even learn a few new tricks that can be brought to the stage!
- If you’re naturally quite pale, go to a tanning bed or get a professional spray tan once every week or two. You don’t have to look like you just got back from a month in the Bahamas but a little color makes you glow. Avoid do-it-yourself at home products. When you work up a sweat on stage it can result in streaks!
- Watch your diet. Fried and fast foods, cheese, and heavy carbs can make you feel sluggish. Treat yourself once in a while but for the most part try to stick to a healthy diet and you’ll feel healthier.
- Avoid gassy foods, too! There’s nothing that will make you feel less confident than being all bloated and worrying that you’re going to let one slip while you’re dancing!
- Shave or wax regularly. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than stubble. A lot of dancers prefer to wax because it feels nice and clean and they don’t have to worry about 5 o’clock shadow!
- Buy nice clothes. Even if you start the day off feeling not so hot, you’ll feel better when you’re dressed in something sexy and attractive.
Do things that make you feel good. These tips are a good start but think about the things that make you feel beautiful and attractive. For some women it is starting the day with a bubble bath. For others it means spending a little extra on those special pair of shoes. Your body will tell you when you are doing things that are not so great for you like pigging out on poutine and pizza or binge drinking. Listen to your body.
When you feel good you look good. It’s as simple as that. So don’t hesitate to do those special things for yourself because in the end, when you come off as confident, you’ll make more money!