High Stress Job? Relax At RI Dolls

That’s what I do – I let all the stress of my demanding job slip away at Rhode Island Dolls. That’s a gentlemen’s club that I go to at least once a week. It’s in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. It’s a pretty classy joint and I’m telling you, it totally makes it possible for me to not have a heart attack or stroke from all the stress at my job.

I’ve always put my career first. I guess that’s why I’m not married. No woman has been patient enough to put up with the crazy hours that I spend at my job. And don’t get me wrong. I do love the business that I am in. Otherwise I wouldn’t be in it would I? But sometime it is pretty demanding and I do put in a lot of hours. So, no, I haven’t settled down with anyone yet.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate a beautiful woman. And that’s where Rhode Island Dolls comes in. I know, I know – it’s not the same as having a girlfriend. But the thing is, I don’t have time to put into nurturing a relationship so the girls at RI Dolls are like my fantasy girlfriends.

See, they are always willing to talk to me. They are friendly and nice and they smell so good. And when they are up there on the stage or when they are giving me a private dance, they make me feel special. I can spill my guts to them and, even though they never tell me anything about their personal lives, they listen and they nod and they smile – and they dance. But the bottom line is that I get some contact with women that don’t expect too much of me. If I don’t make it back to the club for a few weeks, none of them blinks an eye. They don’t accuse me of neglecting them or standing them up. They don’t get mad because I don’t put them first. They just go back to listening and dancing and making me feel like I’m awesome.

The other thing about being a bit of a workaholic is that I don’t really have a lot of friends. I don’t have time for fantasy baseball leagues or cruising the clubs for girls or sports teams. I’m working. I’m building an empire. And the guys I used to be friends with, well, they got a little upset that I never spent any time with them. But at Rhode Island Dolls, I run into a lot of the same guys over and over again. And we chat about life and work and women and whatever comes to mind. I’m not sure if you’d call them friends because I really only see them at RI Dolls but it’s good when I see them. And they don’t get mad at me either if I don’t show up for weeks at a time.

So, no one can work all the time. You have to stop at some point and you have to stop working to do more than just sleep. There’s only so much television you can watch before it gets boring (I actually cut mine off because I never have time to watch it anyway). And you have to get out of the house and have some normal human interaction that is not business related. So, Rhode Island Dolls fills the gap for me.

When I go to Rhode Island Dolls on one of those few times that I can drop work for a night, I have some good food (something that doesn’t come from a drive through window is awesome) and I have some conversation. I see the girls and chat and watch them dance. I remember that at some point, I do want to get married, maybe even have some kids. But mostly, I just get some time to relax.

The best part of going to RI Dolls strip club is that I don’t think about work. At all. From the moment that I walk in the door, all thoughts of work are gone. Hanging out at RI Dolls completely relaxes me and gives me the rejuvenation that I need to head back to work in the morning and have my head in the game. I can go to work without the stress that I’d been feeling the day before and I can see everything with a clear head and do my job the way I know it needs to be done.

If you have a high stress job, you need to spend a little time at Rhode Island Dolls. Trust me. It will save your mind!