How RI Dolls Can Have Irresistible Full Lips Without Surgery
One of the ways you can make your look sexier and more alluring is by learning how to create full, sexy lips. A lot of women opt for cosmetic surgery or artificial enhancements to do this but it is not hard to do without those. It costs a lot less and takes less time to build those thick and pouty lips when you do it yourself at home. And it’s not permanent. Save some money and be safe by learning these tips to creating irresistible, full lips.
First, learn how to use lip liner, lipstick, and highlighter. These are things that every woman should have in her make up bag and she should learn how to use them properly. Even if you choose not to wear any other makeup at all, these three things can make you look like you just stepped off of a movie screen if you learn to do it right.
You will need to have a lip liner, a lipstick, a bronzer, and a highlighter. You can also use a shimmery white eyeshadow. You should start by applying your highlighter stick or the white eyeshadow to the cupid’s bow. This is the V shape that you’ll see in the middle of your upper lip. By highlighting this area, you can create a poutier and fuller look.
Next, use a bronzer (it should be matte style) or if you don’t have that, a brown eyeshadow and apply it to a small brush or an applicator. Get rid of any excess powder by tapping it against a hard surface. With a very light hand, brush a small amount of powder or bronzer under your bottom lip. Congratulations – you’ve just learned how to contour! This makes your lips above the contoured area look bigger.
Now, get the highlighter or white eyeshadow again and dab just a little bit onto the middle of your bottom lip. This draws in the eye and creates a fuller bottom lip.
Now it is time to line your lips. Apply your lip liner to the natural lip line. Follow that up with coat of your lipstick. The lip liner and lipstick should be the same color.
Finally, you can add some more highlighter to the center of your bottom and top lip if you want to add a little more fullness. Experiment with these methods and you will soon find something that works perfectly for you.
One of the non-cosmetic surgery ways that women create fuller lips is with plumping lipsticks and glosses. But did you know that you can create your own plumping gloss at home for a fraction of the cost and it is super easy to do? All you need is a few ingredients (and none of them are harsh chemicals like you often find in plumping glosses and lipsticks).
You can pick up the following ingredients at almost any drugstore:
- A small jar to mix and store your homemade plumping gloss
- Petroleum jelly
- Peppermint extract
- A chapstick (or bees wax)\
- Ground ginger
- Cayenne pepper (or red pepper powder)
Start by mixing half of the chap stick or beeswax with a heaping teaspoon of petroleum jelly in the jar. Add a little bit of the ground ginger and the pepper. Just add a touch at a time, evening out the mixture. You don’t want too much of either but you can add more if you need to later. Add a drop or two of the peppermint extract for flavor and scent. Mix well.
Now you can add it to your lips. You should feel your lips tingle and swell naturally. If it doesn’t seem to be working very well you can add a bit more ginger and pepper powders. Don’t go overboard though.
When it is not being used, put the lidden on and keep it sealed.
There’s one other thing you can do to create a sexier full lip and it is the easiest thing you can do ever. Brush your lips. You should use a toothbrush that is not for your teeth and with the toothbrush dry, just exfoliate your lips gently. It will cause your lips to swell slightly and it won’t last a long time so it is best to do this right before you go on stage. And as an added bonus, it keeps your lips nice and smooth so your lipstick will go on nicely. If you’re going to be kissing anyone later on, it makes your lips extra soft and kissable, too!
These methods of creating a fuller and sexier lip cost a small fraction of the cost of lip injections and other cosmetic surgeries and they are much safer, too.